Residential Land for Sale in Morris, Alabama

2085 Creel Rd Morris, AL 35116

1 / 1
2.6 acres
Active sale ago

Nice flag lot for sale! The large land mass allows nice setback. Per property records, it shows that public water is accessible. The property report also shows the parcel supports residential homes. The land property is cheap and affordable (as it is a low price-per-acre). The land borders a paved road, and there are many high and tall trees on the property. The tree leaves are always green in color except in the fall and winter they will change colors. Several neighbors to the west of the land have mobile homes. So, it appears that mobile homes are popular in this region.


Street Address
2085 Creel Rd
33.761, -86.7574

Property details

Legal Access
Public road
Date Posted

Property taxes



  • 08-00-04-0-000-019.005

This 2.6-acre property is located at 2085 Creel Rd in Morris, AL 35116 with latitude 33.761 and longitude -86.7574. The property is currently available for sale for $6,500 with a price per acre of $2,500.

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Updated . Checked 2 hours ago. Parcel data by Regrid.

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