Land for Sale in Doyle, California

425-940 Constantia Rd Doyle, CA 96109

Land id
1 / 44
4,872 acres
agoEst $86,305/mo

Located just 40 minutes north of Reno, NV, and five miles south of Doyle, CA, right off Highway 395 in Lassen County lies the historic 4,872.24 +- acre Constantia Ranch. The majority of the property, including the homestead, sits around 4,400 feet in elevation, with approximately 1,180 acres of the ranch situated at the eastern foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains bordering the Plumas National Forest and rising to about 6,000 feet in elevation. The ranch encompasses 1,325 +- irrigated acres and over 3,547 +- acres of dry pasture, making Constantia Ranch ideal for a turnkey high-yielding hay and livestock operation. Water is plentiful on the property with 12 center pivots, 1 lateral, and 4 wheel lines that support alfalfa, corn, small grain, and teff hay crops. There are 6 ag wells, all with variable frequency drives. In addition to crops, the ranch supports approximately 100 pair of livestock over a typical six-month grazing season. Improvements on the ranch include a 4,072-square-foot main home, a 1,382-square-foot caretaker home, a barn, a newer 9,600-square-foot machine and equipment shed, various outbuildings, and a history-rich bunkhouse in need of TLC. With an abundance of irrigated acreage, coupled with a primary residence, caretaker home, and a machine and equipment shed, Constantia Ranch has all the necessary ranching infrastructure needed for a productive agricultural property.


Historic 4,800+- ranch

Productive agricultural property

1,325 irrigated acres

3,547+- acres of dry pasture

12 center pivots, 1 lateral

6 AG wells with VFD's

Alfalfa, corn, small grains, and teff hay crops

Supports 100 pair of livestock over a 6 month season

4,072 SF main home with a 3 car garage

1,382 SF caretaker or guest home

Domestic Spring provides fresh water to homes


9,600 SF machine and equipment shed

Various outbuildings

Historic bunkhouse in need of TLC


Street Address
425-940 Constantia Rd
4,449 feet
39.9491, -120.0369

Property details

Date Posted


This 4,872.24-acre property is located at 425-940 Constantia Rd in Doyle, CA 96109 with latitude 39.9491 and longitude -120.0369. The property is currently available for sale for $10,999,999 with a price per acre of $2,258.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact California Outdoor Properties - Vacaville at (707) 455-4444.

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