Land for Sale in Usk, Washington

465 Guinevere Dr Usk, WA 99180

1 / 23
0.15 acres
Active sale agoEst $1,663/mo

Beautiful Waterfront Lot on the Pend Oreille River awaits you! This waterfront lot is located just 100 yards from the boat launch. The lot is equipped with a newer lofted shed that has a washer and dryer, a utility sink, toilet and shower, and A/C unit. The property has room for two RV or a Park model. There are two 50-amp hook-ups. The property is completely landscaped with a fun beachy vibe.


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Street Address
465 Guinevere Dr
2,051 feet
48.2913, -117.2478

Property details

Date Posted

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This 0.15-acre property is located at 465 Guinevere Dr in Usk, WA 99180 with latitude 48.2913 and longitude -117.2478. The property is currently available for sale for $225,000 with a price per acre of $1,500,000.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Clearwater Properties at (800) 762-3375.

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Updated . Checked 1 hour ago. Parcel data by Regrid.

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