Agricultural Land for Sale in Luling, Texas

500 Pasture Rd Luling, TX 78648

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12.35 acres
Active sale ago
  1. This will be a cash sale only, offers will be considered and purchaser must pay and arrange for all transfer and recording expenses.
  2. The Caldwell County Appraisal District lists this property as Property ID #73972. It contains 12.346 acres of improved pastureland, fenced on three sides, new owner can fence it off as needed or leave it as is.
  3. This property is platted in the Caldwell County Records as part of the J. E. Foller Survey, trac A-106.


Street Address
500 Pasture Rd
School District
Luling, Texas
29.7675, -97.5689

Property details

Legal Access
Public road
Appointment only
Date Posted

Property taxes


This 12.35-acre property is located at 500 Pasture Rd in Luling, TX 78648 with latitude 29.7675 and longitude -97.5689. The property is currently available for sale for $150,000 with a price per acre of $12,150.

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Updated . Checked 2 hours ago. Parcel data by Regrid.

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