Residential Land for Sale in Creal Springs, Illinois

Chamness St Creal Springs, IL 62922

1 / 1
0.64 acres
Active sale ago

Wholesale deal! Residentially zoned land for sale by owner! Principal or agent buyers are welcomed! This is a corner lot. One road it is on is paved and the other is gravel. The land is irregular in size, and mostly looks like a rectangle. However, a small portion of the southeast corner does not exist- which is the only reason this would be considered an irregular shaped 6-sided parcel.

At the corner of this lot sits a power pole. Most of the property is all treed. The trees have green leaves and there are green bushes and shrubs as well! Lots of beautiful green scenery for all of you nature lovers!


Street Address
Chamness St
37.6212, -88.8411

Property details

Legal Access
Public road
Date Posted

Property taxes



  • 11-26-280-020

This 0.64-acre property is located at Chamness St in Creal Springs, IL 62922 with latitude 37.6212 and longitude -88.8411. The property is currently available for sale for $4,145 with a price per acre of $6,477.

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Updated . Checked 2 hours ago. Parcel data by Regrid.

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