Commercial Land for Sale in Mokena, Illinois

McGovney St Mokena, IL 60448

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Active sale agoEst $1,257/mo

This is a perfect site If you have a small business that would like the exposure of having 25,000+ cars a day driving by this location- at a slow speed - so that your business sign can be read- The RR Tracks slow traffic down to turtle speed - any small service related business such as an attorney, insurance, computer related services, tax services etc.would benefit- There are very few opportunities to construct a small building that is for a single user - there is no other commercial surrounding this site - choice corner lot that is zoned C4 in the heart of Mokena - Located in Mokena's Historic District - Lot extends from McGovney St on the North end to Denny St. on the South end - stretching 119 feet along Wolf Rd- Wolf Rd is the main thorough fare that runs thru Mokena - The station is one block away on McGovney St. - C4 is classified as Downtown Business Commercial - The Historic cemetery is located on Denny St across from this site - There is no way to enter the lot from McGovney St- The Village has put in a sewer and fire hydrant to prevent access - This is a unique highly visible site within walking distance to shopping and restaurants


Wolf rd to 1st street south of the RR track -Only goes east of wolf rd- this is McGovney st - This is the 1st street south of the RR tracks-This is the corner lot


Street Address
McGovney St, Lot 7
719 feet

Property details

MLS Number
MRED 11975631
Date Posted

Property taxes



  • 1009083160010000

This property is located at McGovney St Lot 7 in Mokena, IL 60448. The property is currently available for sale for $160,000. Listing data is sourced from Midwest Real Estate Data # 11975631.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact HB&D Realty at (815) 485-2011.

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Updated . Checked 2 hours ago. Parcel data by Regrid.

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