Land for Sale in Ash Flat, Arkansas

N Circle Dr Ash Flat, AR 72513

1 / 4
9 acres
agoEst $965/mo

This 9 wooded acres located in the middle of Ash Flat. Purchase includes a lot in Northside addition on N Circle Drive to access the property. Would be plenty of land to build your dream home or with city council approval and Planning and Zoning with Ash Flat, build a couple of houses for investment. City ordinance allows for 2 horses, 2 cows, 6 goats or sheep or 20 fowl per 3 acres of land. So you could have a mini farm on this property. Call for written city ordinance requirements. City water and sewer are in this area, again subject to city approval. Great location and this type of property does not come along very often in the city of Ash Flat.


Street Address
N Circle Dr, Lot 35
630 feet
36.2357, -91.6064

Property details

Date Posted

This 9-acre property is located at N Circle Dr Lot 35 in Ash Flat, AR 72513 with latitude 36.2357 and longitude -91.6064. The property is currently available for sale for $125,000 with a price per acre of $13,889.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Cotham & Co. at (870) 856-4777.

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Checked 11 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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