Recreational Land for Sale in Newport, Washington

Nka Elk Rd Newport, WA 99156

1 / 31
4.1 acres
Active sale$10k dropEst $490/mo

Fly fish from your own spot on the West Branch of Little Spokane River. Build your year-round home on the nicely timbered property and listen to the river flowing. This land is gently sloping towards the river and offers plenty of privacy. Power is available on the road. Located just minutes away from one of the many lakes in the area that offers boating, skiing and fishing. A waterfront lot like this won't last long.


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Street Address
Nka Elk Rd
2,257 feet
48.1347, -117.3537

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Date Posted

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This 4.1-acre property is located at Nka Elk Rd in Newport, WA 99156 with latitude 48.1347 and longitude -117.3537. The property is currently available for sale for $64,900 with a price per acre of $15,829.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Clearwater Properties at (800) 762-3375.

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Updated . Checked 2 hours ago. Parcel data by Regrid.

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