Land for Sale in Hampton, Illinois

Route 84 & Hubbard Hampton, IL 61256

1 / 5
3.71 acres
Active sale agoEst $3,528/mo

3.71 Acres in Seven Parcels combine to create 553 Front feet along State Rt. 84 & 468 Front Feet along Hubbard Road. C-1 Zoning permits many uses including Appliance Store, Financial Institution, Community Center, Day Care Center or Home, Food Store, Grocery, Meat Market, Delicatessen, Hardware Store, Package Liquor Sales, Dentist Office, Restaurant, and Variety Store, Any uses permitted on review such as those in the R-3 General Residential District that are not a residential use, such as a Private Club or Lodge, a School, an Auto Service Station, a Nursing Home or Restaurants serving Alcoholic beverages.


Street Address
Route 84 & Hubbard
587 feet
41.5631, -90.4023

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Listing Source
Date Posted


This 3.71-acre property is located at Route 84 & Hubbard in Hampton, IL 61256 with latitude 41.5631 and longitude -90.4023. The property is currently available for sale for $400,000 with a price per acre of $107,817.

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Updated . Checked 2 hours ago. Parcel data by Regrid.

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